Substance Abuse Links

SubstanceAbuse Tip Book
Alcohol Treatment
I've stopped drinking/using. How can I prevent relapse?
Now that I'm sober, will I ever be able to drink again?
What is Campral?
Social Drinking vs. Alcoholism
Getting Help for Alcoholism
Alcohol Detox
Medication for Alcoholics?
Alcoholics Anonymous
Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Emotional Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Outpatient Therapy
Inpatient Treatment
Private Treatment
How can I tell if I have a drinking problem?
What's the difference between substance abuse and substance dependence?
Alcohol Dependence And Abuse
Alcohol Detox
Dealing With Psychological Affects of Alcohol
Your Window of Recovery Opportunity
Emotional Withdrawal From Alcoholism
Alcohol Rehabilitation: Getting Started
Alcohol Rehabilitation: What to Expect
Are You Ready For Recovery?
Suggestions For Medical Interactions
Gaining Back Your Life
Answer User Questions
Steroids and Cocaine
Author Intro

Cocaine Treatment
How To Respond To Crack/Cocaine Intoxication
Crack/Cocaine Withdrawal
Crack/Cocaine Rehabilitation: Early Stages
Crack/Cocaine Rehabilitation: Gaining a Network of Support
Additional Support for Drug Rehabilitation from Crack/Cocaine
More Information About Crack/Cocaine Use and Rehabilitation
Multiple Addictions: How to Cope
Medication and Crack/Cocaine Rehabilitation
Crack/Cocaine Abuse and Mental Illness
Crack/Cocaine Rehabilitation in the Workplace
Physical Effects of Cocaine Use
Emotional Effects of Cocaine Use
Who Uses Cocaine?
Cocaine and Alcohol
Withdrawal from Cocaine
Behavioral Therapy for Cocaine Use
Cocaine Detox
Antabuse and Cocaine
Inpatient Treatment for Cocaine Use
Private Treatment for Cocaine Use
Legal Information
Obtaining a restraining order
Important notes regarding restraining orders
Marijuana Treatment
Prospects for Medical Treatment of Marijuana Dependency
Behavioral Therapy for Marijuana Users
Inpatient Treatment for Marijuana Addiction
Private Treatment for Marijuana Addiction
Predictors of Marijuana Dependency
Marijuana and Young People
"Mom, Did You Inhale?"
Physical Effects of Marijuana
Emotional Effects of Marijuana
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Marijuana Facts and Patterns
Marijuana Anonymous as a Form of Relapse Prevention
Alternatives to Marijuana Anonymous
Medical/Psychological Support for Recovery from Marijuana Addiction
Learning More About Recovery from Drug Addiction
Physical Effects of Withdrawal from Marijuana Abuse
Court Mandated Rehabilitation
Suggested Supplements to 12-Step Programs
Individualized Drug Counseling
Marijuana as a Secondary Addiction
Private Rehabilitation Programs Offer a Great Alternative
Meth and Amphetamines
What Are Amphetamines?
The Rising Tide of Meth Addiction
Physical Effects of Meth and Amphetamines
Emotional Effects of Meth and Amphetamines
History of Amphetamine Use
Amphetamines and ADHD
Meth Detox
Inpatient Treatment for Meth Addiction
New Techniques in Fighting Meth Addiction
Private Treatment for Meth and Amphetamine Addiction
A friend offered me some methamphetamine. Will it harm me?
Narcotics Treatment
Pain Relief vs. Addiction
Commonly Abused Narcotics
Paths to Narcotics Addiction
Treatment for Opiate Addiction
Narcotics Withdrawal
Physical Effects of Narcotics
Emotional Effects of Narcotics
Heroin Detox
Treatment for Narcotics Addiction
The Value of Aftercare
Narcotic Addiction: Am I Addicted?
Withdrawal From Narcotics
Heroin Detox: The Methadone Question
Narcotics and Other Drug Abuse
Opiate Detox Options
Community Reinforcement as a Form of Rehabilitation
Self-Help/12-Step Groups as Part of Recovery
Legal Narcotics
Street Narcotics
Learning the Drug Recovery Lexicon
Pain Killers Treatment
Pain Killer Overview
Pain Killer Addiction
Oxycotin Addiction
Pain Killer Withdrawal
Oxycotin Detox: Methadone Maintenence
Pain Killer Rehab: Total Abstinence
Pain Killer Rehab: Short-Term Recovery Plan
Pain Killer Addiction Process
Pain Killer Dependency: Risk of Addiction
Chronic Pain vs. Pain Killer Consumption
Mixing Cocaine and Darvocet
Pain Relief vs. Addiction
Paths to Painkiller Addiction
Physical Effects of Painkillers
Emotional Effects of Painkillers
OxyContin: A Special Case
Vicodin: A Silent Culprit
Painkillers and Alcohol
Inpatient Treatment
I'm afraid I'll become addicted to prescription pain killers. Should I take them?
Private Treatment
Relapse Prevention
What is a Relapse?
Why Drug Addicts Have Relapses
Support Groups
The Power of Diversions
Stress Management
Relapse Danger Signs
Don't Feed the Tiger
A Pill to Prevent Relapse?
The Role of Therapy
Twelve-Step Meetings as a Part of Relapse Prevention
Finding a Spiritual Connection to Avoid Relapse
How to Pick a Sponsor
Obtaining a Network of Recovery Support
Recovery Choices Outside of Twelve-Step Programming
Professional Help in Relapse Prevention
Relapse Prevention: Have a Plan
Know Your Triggers for Drug/Alcohol Use
Early Relapse Prevention: Avoiding Major Life Changes When Possible
Drug Relapse Statistics/Trends
Site Guru: Substance Abuse (Questions)
Anabolic Steroids and Long Term Effects
Housework really can be bad for you
Alcohol Withdrawal
Psychological Abuse
What the Family Sees in a Heroin Addict
A Real Alcoholic?
Marriage, or Divorce?
Accusations from Email?
Signs of Meth Problems
Substance Abuse
Commonly Abused Steroids
Musculoskeletal system
Cardiovascular system
Abuse Prevention
gamma hydroxy-butyrate (GHB)
Experiment Effects
Treatment Issues
Increase in Use
What Are Hallucinogens
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA)
Monitoring the Future Study (MTF)
Health Hazards
MDA Definition
MDA - Health Hazards
Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG)
Long Term Effects
Volatile Solvents
Gender Differences
Who uses inhalants
Patterns of Abuse
Health Hazards
Extent of Use
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA)
Short Term Effects
Long Term Effects
Differences from other drugs
Health Risks
Medical Uses for Methamphetamine
Use in USA
Definition of Addiction
Definition of the term Drug
Health Hazards
Extent of Use
Substance Abuse Statistics
Alcohol Statistics
Use Patterns of Cocaine
Use Patterns of Heroin
Marijuana Use Patterns
Women and Drugs
Juveniles and Drugs
Drug Overdose/Poisoning
Inhalant Statistics
Use Patterns of Ecstasy
Use Patterns Related to Nicotine
Treatment Philosophy
Alcoholics Anonymous
Common Misconceptions About Alcoholics Anonymous
Drug Treatment Centers/Substance Abuse Clinics
Individual Therapy as Part of Substance Abuse Recovery
Group Therapy as a Part of Substance Abuse Recovery
Drug Rehab: The Financial Concern
Changing Unhealthy Environments as Part of the Process of Substance Abuse Recovery
Substance Abuse Education
Self-Treatment and Addiction Recovery: Why It Doesn't Work
Family Support and Addiction Recovery
Medical Model
Social Model
12-Step Model
Harm Reduction
Family Model
Electroshock Therapy
Faith-based Model
"Scared Straight"
Synanon Approach
Individual Model
Treatment Programs
Detoxification Centers
Short-Term Programs
Long-Term Programs
Transitional Living
Outpatient Drug Treatment
Private Drug Treatment
12-Step Groups for Addictions
Online Treatment Support
Therapeutic Communities
Methadone Maintenance Programs
I need treatment for addiction. What should I do?
Alcohol Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers
California Drug Rehab
Hazelden Rehabilitation Center and Publishing
Exclusive Drug Rehabilitation Programs
Other Treatment Programs of Note
Residential Living and Recovery
Dual Diagnosis and Treatment
Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
Additional Resources for Drug Rehabilitation Treatment
What You Can Do
The Importance of a Support Network in Recovery
Finding a Support Network
Downsizing in Early Recovery
Finding Replacement Activities
Coping with Cravings
Physical Activity and Recovery
Positive Thought and Recovery
How To Deal with Other People in Recovery
Patience and Recovery
Spirituality and Recovery
How can I get over my shame and guilt about being addicted to alcohol/drugs?
If You Need Help Now
If You Think You Have a Drug or Alcohol Problem
If Your Child Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem
If Your Spouse or Partner Has a Substance Abuse Problem
If Your Parent Has a Drug or Alcohol Problem
If Your Friend Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem
Substance Abuse in Your Community
Substance Abuse in Your Religious Organization
Substance Abuse and the Law
If You Have a Relapse
My spouse/child has a drinking or drug problem. What can I do?
Substance Abuse Newsletter Archive
Early Relapse Prevention: Avoiding Major Life Changes When Possible
Know Your Triggers for Drug/Alcohol Use
Relapse Prevention: Have a Plan
Professional Help in Relapse Prevention
Recovery Choices Outside of Twelve-Step Programming
Obtaining a Network of Recovery Support
How to Pick a Sponsor
Finding a Spiritual Connection to Avoid Relapse
Twelve-Step Meetings as a Part of Relapse Prevention
Use Patterns Related to Nicotine
Use Patterns of Ecstasy
Inhalant Statistics
Drug Overdose/Poisoning
Juveniles and Drugs
Women and Drugs
Marijuana Use Patterns
Use Patterns of Heroin
Use Patterns of Cocaine
Alcohol Statistics
Suggestions For Medical Interactions
Are You Ready For Recovery?
Alcohol Rehabilitation: What to Expect
Alcohol Rehabilitation: Getting Started
Emotional Withdrawal From Alcoholism
Your Window of Recovery Opportunity
Dealing With Psychological Affects of Alcohol
Alcohol Detox
Alcohol Dependence And Abuse
Signs of Meth Problems
Accusations from Email?
Marriage, or Divorce?
A Real Alcoholic?
What the Family Sees in a Heroin Addict
Psychological Abuse
Alcohol Withdrawal
Housework really can be bad for you
Anabolic Steroids and Long Term Effects
How can I get over my shame and guilt about being addicted to alcohol/drugs?
I need treatment for addiction. What should I do?
A friend offered me some methamphetamine. Will it harm me?
What's the difference between substance abuse and substance dependence?
How can I tell if I have a drinking problem?
Now that I'm sober, will I ever be able to drink again?
I've stopped drinking/using. How can I prevent relapse?
My spouse/child has a drinking or drug problem. What can I do?
I'm afraid I'll become addicted to prescription pain killers. Should I take them?
What is Campral?
Mixing Cocaine and Darvocet
What Are Hallucinogens
Private Treatment
Painkillers and Alcohol
Vicodin: A Silent Culprit
OxyContin: A Special Case
Emotional Effects of Painkillers
Physical Effects of Painkillers
Paths to Painkiller Addiction
Pain Relief vs. Addiction
The Value of Aftercare
Emotional Effects of Narcotics
Physical Effects of Narcotics
Narcotics Withdrawal
Paths to Narcotics Addiction
Commonly Abused Narcotics
Pain Relief vs. Addiction
Antabuse and Cocaine
Emotional Effects of Cocaine Use
Physical Effects of Cocaine Use
Emotional Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous
Medication for Alcoholics?
Predictors of Marijuana Dependency
Prospects for Medical Treatment of Marijuana Dependency
Methadone Maintenance Programs
Transitional Living
Physical Effects of Meth and Amphetamines
The Rising Tide of Meth Addiction
What Are Amphetamines?
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Emotional Effects of Marijuana
Physical Effects of Marijuana
"Mom, Did You Inhale?"
Marijuana and Young People
Relapse Danger Signs
The Power of Diversions
Support Groups
Why Drug Addicts Have Relapses
What is a Relapse?
New Techniques in Fighting Meth Addiction
Inpatient Treatment for Meth Addiction
Meth Detox
Amphetamines and ADHD
History of Amphetamine Use
Synanon Approach
"Scared Straight"
Faith-based Model
Electroshock Therapy
Harm Reduction
12-Step Model
If You Have a Relapse
Substance Abuse and the Law
Substance Abuse in Your Religious Organization
Substance Abuse in Your Community
If Your Parent Has a Drug or Alcohol Problem
If Your Spouse or Partner Has a Substance Abuse Problem
If You Think You Have a Drug or Alcohol Problem
The Role of Therapy
A Pill to Prevent Relapse?
Don't Feed the Tiger
Steroids and Cocaine
Obtaining a restraining order
Important notes regarding restraining orders
Definition of the term Drug
Extent of Use
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA)
Musculoskeletal system
Cardiovascular system
Increase in Use
gamma hydroxy-butyrate (GHB)
Volatile Solvents
Gender Differences
Who uses inhalants
Differences from other drugs
Extent of Use
Commonly Abused Steroids
Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG)
Health Hazards
MDA - Health Hazards
MDA Definition
Monitoring the Future Study (MTF)
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA)
Long Term Effects
Health Hazards
Medical Uses for Methamphetamine
Health Risks
Getting Help for Alcoholism
Inpatient Treatment
Private Treatment
Cocaine Detox
Private Treatment for Cocaine Use
Who Uses Cocaine?
Heroin Detox
Treatment for Narcotics Addiction
Inpatient Treatment
If Your Child Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem
Medical Model
Family Model
Private Drug Treatment
Outpatient Drug Treatment
Outpatient Therapy
Private Treatment for Meth and Amphetamine Addiction
Online Treatment Support
Social Drinking vs. Alcoholism
Treatment for Opiate Addiction
Withdrawal from Cocaine
Alcohol Detox
Inpatient Treatment for Marijuana Addiction
12-Step Groups for Addictions
Inpatient Treatment for Cocaine Use
Private Treatment for Marijuana Addiction
Individual Model
Cocaine and Alcohol
Behavioral Therapy for Cocaine Use
Behavioral Therapy for Marijuana Users
Emotional Effects of Meth and Amphetamines
Stress Management
Abuse Prevention
Social Model
Detoxification Centers
If You Need Help Now
Short-Term Programs
Long-Term Programs
If Your Friend Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem
Long Term Effects
Short Term Effects
Use in USA
Health Hazards
Set aside time to grieve
Patterns of Abuse
Characteristics (signs) of a parent who is abusive
Definition of Neglect
Educate Yourselves
Verbal warnings about abuse
Definition of Neglect
Reflect On Your Progress
Definition of Abuse
Physical Indicators of Sexual Abuse
Understand Your Trigger Thoughts
Definition of Abuse
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
EMOTIONS - Conflicting feelings
EMOTIONS - Conflicting Feelings
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
If Someone Is Abusing You...
Healing Instincts
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
Ability to Say No
Molesters Were Molested
Reflect On Your Progress
Drugs and Alcohol
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
Definition of Neglect
Forms of Abuse - Emotional Abuse
Nontouching Sexual Offenses
Forms of Abuse - Psychological Abuse
How to Report Child Abuse
Molesters were molested
Reporting Abuse
Nontouching Sexual Offenses
ANGER - One Letter
Definition of Abuse
Breaking the Pattern of Anger
Definition of Neglect
Alcoholism - A Primer
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Self-Injury -- Coming Out
Psychological Abuse Definition
Therapy - Part II
Therapy Information
Introduction and Volunteering
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 13, New Abuse Guru
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 12, Finding the Right Therapist
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 11, February`s Survivor of the Month
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 10, Understanding Sexual Abuse
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 9, Indicators of Sexual Abuse
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 8, Sexual Abuse
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 7, Survivor of the Month
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 9, Survivor of the Month
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 7, Survivor of the Month
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 6, Effective Coping Mechanisms
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 5, The Cycle of Abuse
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 4, How Abuse Reports are Handled
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 3, Reporting Suspected Abuse
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 2, Signs of Abuse
Abuse-tips Newsletter, Issue 1, Definition of Abuse
Substance Abuse Frequently Asked Questions
What is some information on anabolic steriods?
What is some information on inhalants?
What is some information on Club Drugs?
What is some information on ectasy?
What is some information on methamphetamine?
What is some information on lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)?
What is some information on phencyclidine (PCP)?
What are some tips on restraining orders?
What is some information on opioid analogs?
Where can I find information on restraining orders?
What is the definition of addiction?
What are some tips on preventing abuse and violence?
What is the definition of drug?
What is some information regarding methamphetamine?
What are some uses for methamphetamine?
Is marijuana still popular among young people?
What can parents who experimented with marijuana tell their kids about the drug?
What are some of the physical effects of marijuana?
What are some of the emotional effects of marijuana use?
Is marijuana addictive?
Is there a drug to treat marijuana addiction?
What sorts of therapy are available for marijuana addicts?
What happens in inpatient treatment for marijuana addiction?
What happens in private treatment for marijuana addiction?
Who is likely to become addicted to marijuana?
What is the difference between social drinking and alcoholism?
What is the first step in getting help for alcoholism?
What is alcohol detox?
What medications are available to treat alcoholism?
What are some of the physical effects of alcoholism?
What are some of the emotional and social effects of alcoholism?
What happens in outpatient alcohol treatment?
What happens in inpatient alcohol treatment?
What are some of the benefits of private alcoholism treatment?
What are some of the physical effects of cocaine use?
What are some of the emotional effects of cocaine use?
What are some of the characteristics of cocaine users?
What happens when people mix cocaine and alcohol?
What is it like to withdraw from cocaine?
How do users learn the skills to stay off cocaine?
What happens during cocaine detox?
Are there drugs to treat cocaine addiction?
What happens in inpatient cocaine treatment?
What happens in private treatment for cocaine use?
Do narcotics have medical uses?
What are some commonly abused narcotics?
What are some of the ways people get addicted to narcotics?
How are narcotics addictions treated?
What is it like to withdraw from heroin or other opiates?
What are some of the physical effects of narcotics addiction?
What are some of the emotional effects of narcotics addiction?
What happens in heroin detox?
What happens in narcotics treatment?
What kind of aftercare is needed for narcotics addictions?
What is the difference between pain relief and addiction to painkillers?
What are some of the paths into painkiller addiction?
What are some of the physical effects of painkillers?
What are some of the emotional effects of painkiller abuse?
What is OxyContin?
Is it possible to get addicted to Vicodin?
What are the risks of mixing alcohol and painkillers?
What happens in detox from painkillers?
What happens in inpatient treatment for painkiller addiction?
What happens in private treatment for prescription drug abuse?
What are amphetamines?
Why is meth addiction rising?
What are some of the physical effects of meth and amphetamines?
What are some of the emotional effects of meth and amphetamines?
What are some of the ways amphetamines have been used in the past?
Why would you use a stimulant to treat someone with ADD?
What happens in meth detox?
What happens during inpatient treatment for meth addiction?
What is new in the fight against meth addiction?
What happens in private treatment for meth and amphetamine addiction?
What is a relapse?
Why do drug addicts have relapses?
What is the role of support groups in relapse prevention?
What are diversions, and how do they help prevent relapses?
What stress management skills can be useful to people in recovery?
What are some of the warning signs of a relapse?
What are triggers?
How can a recovering addict avoid situations associated with drug use?
Are there medications to prevent drug relapses?
What role does therapy play in relapse prevention?
What should I do in a drug-related crisis?
I think I have a problem with alcohol or drugs. What can I do?
teen drug abuse, teen alcoholism, signs of drug use, rehab centers, 12-step meetings
What can I expect if my spouse or partner is addicted to drugs or alcohol?
What should I do if my parent has a drug or alcohol problem?
What can I do for a friend who has an addiction problem?
What can I do to prevent substance abuse in my community?
What can my religious organization do to address the problem of substance abuse?
What are some of the legal problems with substance abuse?
What happens if I'm in recovery and have a relapse?
Is addiction a disease?
What is the social model of addiction treatment?
What is the 12-step model of addictions and recovery?
What is harm reduction?
What is the family model of drug treatment?
Does electroconvulsive therapy have a role in drug addiction treatment?
What is the most effective role of religious faith in recovery?
Do "scared straight" programs work?
What is the individual model of addiction therapy?
What happens in a detox center?
What happens in short-term drug rehab programs?
When are long-term drug or alcohol rehab centers needed?
What happens in a transitional home for drug or alcohol addicts?
What happens in outpatient drug treatment?
What happens in private drug treatment?
What happens when I join a 12-step group?
Are online recovery support groups effective?
What are therapeutic communities?
What are methadone maintenance programs?
Please explain the risks and dangers of mixing injectable steriods and cocaine.
what is hallucinogans
what are side effects of mixing cocaine and darvocet?

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